Johari Window Bonus Blog Prompt

I felt that this process was very interesting. It was really cool to have to pick words that I thought described me, and it was also interesting to see what other people thought I was like. By the end of the process, every word that I had selected for myself had been picked by either one person or multiple people, along with many other words. The other words that people had picked for me also seemed to describe me very well. One word that I was surprised to see was organized. I would like to consider myself an organized person, but I wouldn’t say it’s one of the bigger things that describe me. By this process, I learned that people think about me the same way that I do, and I also learned that there are other traits I display that I didn’t know I displayed as much as I did (i.e. organized). I think this test was a valid measurement of personality, because it had a lot of different traits to pick from. This test also allowed other people to openly choose what they thought you displayed most. With that being said, my friend told me that she could see other people’s responses, so I think that could cause some bias if some people don’t know what to say about you, or if they’re going back and forth between different traits. When seeing other’s responses, I feel that they’d be more inclined to pick what other people have picked, so that would be the only concern I’d have for this. If people weren’t going off of what other people said, then I think this test is fairly valid.

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